I-95 Car Accident

After any accident on I-95 in Broward County, you will want to call the best Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer you can find. It makes total sense – it is an important decision. We invite you to call the Fort Lauderdale car accident attorneys at Wolfson & Leon at (954) 530-3918.
Interstate 95 is a road that connects the entirety of the east coast of the United States together. As one of the oldest highways within the United States, it has seen its own fair share of deadly crashes and pile ups. In Fort Lauderdale as well as many parts of Florida’s east coast, I-95 is used by hundreds of thousands of drivers every day to get to their jobs, their entertainment and their homes. Depending on the time of day, Interstate 95 can be an extremely deadly road to be on.
Should you find yourself as one of the unfortunate victims of a crash on I-95 near Fort Lauderdale, we recommend you contact a Fort Lauderdale I-95 car accident lawyer, specifically one from Wolfson & Leon. Having been in service to Florida for a little over half a century, they can put that experience on your side, and make sure you get the justice you deserve. A simple phone call to Wolfson & Leon at (954) 530-3918 will get a free, confidential consultation to get you all the information you need about pursuing your personal injury claim.
Interstate 95 is a regular part of the daily lives of most East Coast Floridians. Not many people travel up and down our state without using it, especially those on the eastern side of it. Experts who have looked at car crashes on I-95 find that while non-fatal crashes, or incapacitating injury crashes, happen at a fairly similar frequency through the day, fatal car crashes tend to happen between 10pm and 5 in the morning, with 3 am being around the peak hour for these types of crashes. This can be for many reasons, from simple distracted drivers looking at their phones thinking that there is no one around, or intoxicated drivers, thinking they can make their way home no matter how impaired their driving might be. Either of these are recipes for disaster and can easily cause life-changing injury or fatal encounters. Our Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers are no strangers to the amount of terrible accidents that can happen in the small hours of the night, especially on Interstate 95.
I-95 Fort Lauderdale Accident AttorneysOur Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers have guided injured victims when it comes to car accidents, both on and off the interstate. We always encourage that you find medical help for any sort of injury you sustain in such an accident, or even if you don’t think you were injured, as there might be a chance you were injured in a way that’s not readily visible such as concussions and internal injuries. Many of these injuries can lead to life-changing or even fatal consequences in the future should they be left untreated. Some of these injuries can include:
- Temporomandibular Joint Injury
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Soft Tissue Tears and Sprains
- Internal Organ Damage
- Herniated Discs in the Cervical, Thoracic or Lumbar Spine
Even small injuries can lead to substantial impacts on your health and ability to work in the future. So even after getting your injuries checked by a doctor, contact a Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney that can help you navigate the tricky and confusing process of pursuing a claim as a victim of a car accident.
Fort Lauderdale Personal injury LawyersWolfson & Leon has been serving Florida for the past 55 years. Our team of bilingual car accident attorneys in Fort Lauderdale can and will give you the prompt and professional feedback you need to make sure you are taken care of after you and your family have been part of an accident of any type. Jonah Wolfson, our Managing Attorney, is a bilingual I-95 car accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale and is more than available to represent you and those closest to you. The only step you need to take is to call us at (954) 530-3918 and allow us to serve you. Calling will give you a free consultation that is completely confidential and will start you on the path you need to take to get the justice you deserve.