Distracted Driving Accident
Fort Lauderdale, like anywhere else, is not free of the normal everyday epidemic of people paying attention more to their phones then to the road in front of them. Unlike everywhere else in the country, Fort Lauderdale has its number two economy based all around tourism. Thanks to this, many people, young and old alike, flock to the city to enjoy the town, the beach and the water. With this brings a lot more people, especially younger ones, that like to take some time to text or chat during their drives in streets they aren’t familiar with and drivers with driving styles they’re unfamiliar with. When you find yourself as a victim to one of these unfortunate drivers, a Fort Lauderdale distracted driving car accident lawyer is someone you should call to make sure you get the right representation.
With the rise of cellphones being not just for calls, but for the proliferation of all our everyday needs, wrongful death and personal injuries due to distracted driving have become even more prevalent in Fort Lauderdale. Over the last five years, with more and more younger people growing old enough to drive, but not old enough to understand the responsibilities of a car and the distraction a phone can be during a drive, this has only gotten worse. Whether or not you find yourself in a car crash thanks to a distracted driver, you can be sure that our Fort Lauderdale distracted driving injury lawyers at Wolfson & Leon can give you all the options you need to make sure you get your fair representation and the compensation that you deserve. Call the Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers at Wolfson & Leon now with no obligation at (954) 530-3918 for your free consultation.
Fort Lauderdale Distracted Driving AccidentsDistracted drivers generally refer to those using their phones and other devices during their drives, and causing some sort of accident, be it small or big as a result to their attention being more on their phone than on the road. However, the reality is that distracted driver can refer to distraction in any sense. So long as the attention is on something else other than the road, then the driver can be considered distracted. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) the problem of distracted drivers is a growing and preventable epidemic. Nearly 8 people die every day, and even more are injured thanks to distracted driving. When distracted, the chances of a car crash increase significantly. These distracted driving car crashes happen everyday in South Florida – including Fort Lauderdale. When that happens to you, you will no doubt want to hire the best Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer you can find. It is a critically important issue. For you and your family.
Negligence thanks to distracted driving can lead to a variety of types of car crashes:
- Fort Lauderdale impaired or drunk driving crashes, which can come from any type of alcohol or drug use while driving.
- Motorcycle accidents in Fort Lauderdale, which can more commonly happen when drivers not paying attention accidentally hit motorcycles. It’s almost impossible for a motorist to be texting and driving their motorcycle at the same time.
- Fort Lauderdale bicycle accidents, which can come from cyclists that are adept enough to pedal and text at the same time, but like motorcycle accidents, this usually happens in the form of a distracted car driver not seeing a cyclist.
- Pedestrian accidents in Fort Lauderdale are the most vulnerable to distracted driving. Finding themselves at the mercy of any driver that might be distracted at the wrong time, they have the most to lose when it comes to a distracted driver car crash.
Jonah Wolfson and his professional team of Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers are ready to help you. Wolfson & Leon itself has been served the community as a personal injury firm of South Florida for over 55 years.
Wolfson & Leon’s Fort Lauderdale car accident attorneys have defended the legal rights of injured victims throughout Florida. With offices in Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, West Palm Beach and Miami these Florida car accident lawyers are prepared to help you get the justice and the compensation that you deserve. No matter where you are in Florida, Wolfson & Leon is here to help you. Call now for you free consultation, at no obligation at (954) 530-3918.