
Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods Accident Lawyer

Did you break a bone when you tripped and fell over broken asphalt in the parking lot? Were you badly injured when a heavy store display toppled over and hit you? Are you suffering from nerve damage after you slipped on a slick floor and fell onto your back?

You should speak with a best Fort Lauderdale injury accident law firm as soon as you can if you've been badly hurt while shopping at your local HomeGoods retail store. You may not realize how devastating a severe injury can be. You may need to put your way of life on hold as you face extensive medical treatment and physical rehabilitation. You could suffer financial harm if you cannot work.

At Wolfson & Leon, our Fort Lauderdale accident attorneys are focused on preserving your rights. We understand the challenges you face when badly hurt, and we work tirelessly to reach the best settlement on your behalf.

Why not call us today for a free consultation if you've been gravely hurt while shopping at HomeGoods? Depending on the circumstances of your HomeGoods accident, you might be compensated for the damages you've suffered. You can learn more by speaking with a Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods accident attorney at Wolfson & Leon.

Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods Store Accident

You wouldn't expect to get hurt when shopping at a Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods store. After all, store owners and operators must ensure their property is safe for visitors. Store operators or their employees should conduct regular inspections and fix hazardous conditions. When they cannot resolve the condition quickly, the store's owner or operator must notify guests of the dangers.

Slip-and-fall accidents are among the most common ways people get hurt when shopping. Unsuspecting shoppers who step on a wet or slippery floor could fall. Stores like HomeGoods often sell liquid-based products, such as soap or cleaner, in bottles that could leak onto the floor if dropped or broken. Walkways may become slippery if customers spill beverages in the aisle.

You could slip and fall even when the floors aren't wet. Rugs or floormats not secured to the floor could slide from under you when stepped on. You could also lose your footing and slip on receipts, packing material, or other debris left on the floor.

Sometimes, a slip and fall happens before you even walk into the store. Leaves, tree sap, or loose papers on sidewalks may become slick when it rains outside. Sometimes, parking lot paint can pose a slipping hazard when it rains if it doesn't contain the appropriate non-slip materials.

Other hazards may cause accidents at a Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods store. Broken asphalt, hidden curbs, or metal bars protruding from parking stops could cause someone to trip and fall. Displays that aren't correctly assembled or packed with heavy merchandise could strike someone if they fall over on them.

Injured at a Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods Store?

You may wonder what to do when you've had an accident at HomeGoods or any other store. A few key steps to take include:

  • Notify: Let the store's manager or supervisor know about the accident. You should ask for a copy of the accident report they completed.
  • Document: Taking pictures or videos helps preserve the accident scene. Getting clear shots from different angles and distances can prove helpful. You could also request any security footage from the store.
  • Get medical help: Seeking medical help is typically the first thing you do when badly injured. But even if your injuries don't seem severe or you don't think you've been hurt, you should still see a doctor. Sometimes, the damage caused by an accident isn't evident for a few hours or days later.
  • Seek legal advice: If someone else's negligence has caused you serious injury, you could be compensated for the damages. Speaking with a best Fort Lauderdale accident lawyer can give you a better understanding of your legal rights when you've been hurt.
Should I Call a Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods Accident Law Firm?

You may not realize how much life can change when you get hurt while shopping at HomeGoods or any other store. A slip or trip may not seem like a big deal when it happens, But if you break a bone, damage a nerve, or hit your head in a fall, your injuries could require costly medical treatment. Your finances could be further stretched when you can't return to work until healed.

At the Law Offices of Wolfson & Leon, our Fort Lauderdale injury accident lawyers defend people seriously hurt in HomeGoods and other retail stores. We understand the physical and financial distress caused by accidents and work tirelessly to reach the best settlement possible.

If you've been badly injured while shopping at a Fort Lauderdale HomeGoods store, don't delay. Call Wolfson & Leon today for a free case consultation. If you have questions about pursuing compensation or want to know if you might have a claim, you can contact us at 305-285-7071 right away.

Client Revews
All I can say is WOW! I have never met such a professional law team. They are caring and put your needs above money. I guess to describe them is fair, kind, and professional. Don't be fooled by the other attorneys who only want your money. By far the best attorneys in Florida! Marina
Mr. Wolfson helped me tremendously with my car accident. He was able to represent me with care and respect while fighting hard to get my case resolved. I live a busy life and being able to go about my day and not worrying about my case was a huge relief because I knew I was in good hands. I wasn't just another client to him and that's what makes the difference. Thank you again Mr. Wolfson! Michael
I absolutely love this firm! It's personalized, you always have someone on the phone and you literally feel like family. They were always on top of my case and I felt supported the whole time my case was being settle. I got what I need it and what I deserved! Totally recommend them! They are the good attorneys for real! Dora
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