Crime Victim Compensation

If you happen to be injured in Lauderhill, Florida, it is essential to get legal help as soon as possible. Whatever crime you’ve been injured in, call our Lauderhill crime victim compensation lawyers at Wolfson & Leon for advice. You can reach us at (954) 530-3918 for a free consultation. We don’t ask for fees unless we recover for you.
LauderhillLauderhill is a city in the Broward County. It is located seven miles north-west of Fort Lauderdale and 35 miles north of Miami. The city is populated with people born in many different countries, mostly Caribbean islands. It hosts many recreational activity venues, such as tennis courts, golf courses, parks, ball fields, swimming pools and soccer fields.
Lauderhill Crime VictimsBeing injured due to a criminal incident in Lauderhill will most likely make you need to consult with:
- Lauderhill crime victim lawyer for survivors of murder victims
- Lauderhill crime victim lawyer for victims of rape and other sexual assaults due to inadequate security
- Child molestation victim compensation lawyer in Lauderhill
- Battery compensation lawyer in Lauderhill due to negligent security
- Lauderhill DUI crimes compensation attorney
- Lauderhill crime victim lawyer for violent crimes at apartments or affordable housing complexes
- Lauderhill crime victim compensation for robbery at gas stations or convenience stores
- Lauderhill crime victim compensation attorney for aggravated assault
Bear in mind that if you’ve been injured in a different kind of crime, you may still be eligible for compensation. These are just the most common crime accidents leading to personal injuries that our Lauderhill injury attorneys are aware of, but the list of crimes in which you could get injured is endless. It is always best to call for your free consultation, so you have the information you need.
Lauderhill Crime Victim Compensation OptionsFlorida laws allow good folks injured due to criminal offenses in Lauderhill to recover of their unjust harms and losses in several ways.
You can head to the Florida Bureau of Victim Compensation and claim recovery from them. This is a governmental fund that compensates crime victims for certain economic losses who meet the requirements set by laws. It doesn’t matter if someone has been convicted for the crime or not. If you meet the requirements, you are may obtain compensation.
The conviction of the criminal offender can lead to a path to damages recovery. If he is proven guilty of the crime, he can be held legally responsible to cover financially for the injuries that come as a consequence of his crime. But being responsible doesn’t mean the criminal will pay. In fact, most criminals can’t or won’t pay for the damages they caused. Criminal proceedings often take a while, and if you don’t have time to wait while you’re making expenses due to the injuries, you can rely on the Florida BVC or claim recovery from third persons.
If the crime has occurred on premises under control of a third party or person, such as gas station, banks, mall, apartment complex, convenience stores or other commercial properties then there is a chance that that third party may be liable for paying for your harms and losses. They owe visitors a duty of reasonable care, meaning they have to take all reasonable measures to prevent foreseeable crimes. Should they breach this duty, and it leads to an injury-inflicting crime, they may be held liable.
Murder victim survivors may be entitled to recover damages due to a wrongful death of their family members. The class of people entitled to recovery is limited by law as are the types of damages. It is best to consult with a Lauderhill crime victim compensation lawyer to determine if you qualify for recovery.
When you have been injured or affected as the result of a criminal act, it is wise to call an experienced Lauderhill crime injury attorney to help you recover damages. The Lauderhill crime victim compensation attorneys at Wolfson & Leon have helped victims since 1963 and are available to help you get just compensation. Call us at (954) 530-3918 for your free consultation. You pay nothing until we recover for you. Don’t stand silently by – get the information, justice and compensation that you are entitled to receive.